Monday, August 22, 2005

Miércoles, 17 de Agosto de 2005

Hello Honey!
¿Todo bien por allá? Espero que sí. Cata & Vino estuvo muy interesante, fui con Max y degustamos muchos vinos. Jess joined me later on since we had a business meeting that I had arranged between her and a colleage of mine whom is very interested in some connections she got in CA. We had a late lunch at Liguria (the restaurant I took you to right after your flight the first day we spent in Santiago)... the pasta was soo good... and the business too - I hope so!

Anyway, let's cut to the cheese!
Honey, I've attached the schedule proposal to let you know our plans. We are supposed to arrive to San Francisco on Saturday of September the 3th, and spend that night in San Francisco. Next Sunday early morning we are leaving to Napa, where we are going to stay for three nights. Then, we would leave Napa on Wednesday of September 7th to Sonoma and stay for two nights (Rohnert Park), and then we'd leave Sonoma on Friday of September 9th to San Francisco and spend there our last night. Our flight back to Chile is on Saturday of Sept 10th at 13:00 pm.

I guess the best we could do is to join in Sonoma (september 7th) for the last three days of the trip, since we will try to make our last visits as quick and short as possible (people are supposed to be tired at this point), hopefully with some extra time for shopping/touring/fun. Perhaps you might try staying at the same hotels we are going to stay at - it would be easier for me to squeeze out of the group!

Let me know your thoughts,

A kiss



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